What I have learned from Rob LeVine so far

Fifteen years ago, when we were both starting out in our careers (not), I met Antlers at Vail hotel GM Rob LeVine during a talk I was giving in Vail about PR tips for businesses. There was Rob, a speaker’s dream come true—a friendly face. He’s been my firm’s client and friend ever since. Although he hired WordenGroup PR to help him, I should have been paying him all these years for what he has taught me about business:

  1. Use every chance to send a handwritten note. If you’re sending a package, always include a note. It’s a personal touch that goes a long way.
  2. Eliminate extra exclamation marks, let the words convey the emotion. Emails with typos and excessive exclamations are one of his pet peeves. I’m not sure how he feels about emojis 🙂 .
  3. “The answer is yes, what’s the question?” That sentence is a Rob mantra; he truly runs his business by it.
  4. Give away more for free. In the “Free Economy,” Rob is a master at complimentary amenities. Snowshoes, bikes, GoPro cameras, yoga, an electric car charger–as well as WiFi and parking. He thrives on making guests happy.
  5. Plug into the power of Seth. Rob enjoys reading Seth Godin, who recently wrote: “Average stuff for average people is getting ever more difficult to sell. If that’s all you’ve got, get something else.” The post reminded me of Rob; not only does he make the Antlers stand out, he understands that his guests aren’t average either. And treats them that way.

Rob could teach a class on how to be your best self in business: not by hiding behind titles or jargon or policies, but by putting yourself out there as a human being. In our office – and I’m not making this up – we often ask, What would Rob do?

Darla Worden

WordenGroup PR

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